Award Kit
Kid's Corner
Celebrating wins, big or small, is a must.
It allows kids to reflect on and share their learning and growth.
Who is this for?
- Parents who want to celebrate their child's progress.
- Kids who love receiving small tokens for their progress.
What do you get?
- 5 customizable certicates for achievement and completion
- 10 specific award ribbons (Awesome Reader, Best Builder, Fantastic Painter, etc.)
- 5 different colored customizable award ribbons
- 5 simple award ribbons (star design)
Why should I buy this?
- Kids take center stage to showcase their work, feel pride in their accomplishments, and expand their comfort zone to present their work in front of others.
- The act of celebrating is both motivating and identity-forming for kids.
- Studies have shown that children are more likely to succeed in other aspects of their life when parents celebrate their successes.
This product is Free but tips are appreciated :)
Customizable Certificates and Award Ribbons
4.01 MB
10 pages
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